Dear all

I hope you had a good weekend and are ready for a new week. I’m sure you are aware that this is your final week at St John the Divine primary school.

Take a look at the Thinking and talking task for this week to reflect on this theme.

Remember that on Wednesday 22nd July at 11 am we have our leavers’ service in church. We have talked about it last week at our online session and we also sent an email to parents about this.

Below are your Home learning tasks for today.

Mr Camilleri


For your literacy this week we will be using the BBC ReviseWise resources.

Learn how to analyse non-fiction texts.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • three activities

Click on the link below to access today’s lesson.



For the last week of term, revisit how to order and compare fractions, decimals and percentages by converting them.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • one interactive activity
  • two worksheets




For reading this week we’ll carry on focusing on reading newspapers.

Click on the link below to access one issue of the FIRST NEWS newspaper from June.

Then try to read at least two pages each day this week. It is full of interesting articles and facts about all sorts of subjects.

Then share something you’ve learned with someone else in your family every day.


TOPIC – Be Creative

As today is the start of our final week I thought I suggest a creative and different activity.

Think about who your teachers and other who supported you during your time in primary school.

Why don’t you make a card for one or two of them to say thank you.

You can bring the cards with you on Wednesday.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

Have a wonderful week.

Mr Camilleri