Dear all

I hope your week started well and you are getting on well with our new set of home learning tasks.

First of all we have to say a big well done to the five pupils who represented our school at the Spelling Bee competition. Make sure you read Mrs Warland’s newsletter to see what happenned!!

Remember that today there is the Leavers’s service for all Year 6 children in the Diocese of Southwark. It will be streamed on the Southwark Diocese channel of YouTube:

Your parents should have received an email about this.

Here are your learning tasks for today.



For your literacy this week we are using the Oak Academy resources.

During this lesson, we will be writing a biography.

Click on the link below to access today’s lesson.



This week we have been working on two Arithmetic sheets every day.

Click on the this link below to download a pack with 15 sheets. I will be putting it on here every day for you to access but you can also download the whole pack.

For today start working on Sheets 6-9 and 6-10


For our normal maths lesson, click on the link below to access the Whiterose website.

Click on the Maths link below. Scroll down to the Friday challenge and then on Get the Activity.




For reading this week we are using the FIRST NEWS newspaper

Read through two pages each day.

Then share something you’ve learned with someone else in your family every day.


TOPIC – Music

Today’s session is a Music lesson.

Learn about pulse, rhythm and the character of music with Florence Price and the Juba Dance.

This lesson includes:

one video exploring Florence Price and the Juba Dance

one audio clip demonstrating the Juba Dance

three activities to try at home

Follow the link to the BBC website to start your lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

Have a wonderful day.

Mr Camilleri