Hello everyone
Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather!
All the best
Mr Tish
Today I would like you to complete Week 11 lesson 3 ‘Triangles’
The work this week comes from White Rose Maths.
You can watch the instruction video first, then click on BBC Bitesize next to the video and click on your year group tab to access your work for today.
If you have a printer you can print the worksheets and stick these into your book.
Please also make sure you are also checking Mathletics. I have set you various challenges for you to complete.
This week we will be completing work from Talk 4 Writing. The story is called ‘Mission Possible’. Start by reading through the story a few times to be sure you are familliar with it. Then scroll down and complete the work and questions included in the booklet.
Follow the link below to find the PDF of the story and questions.
Design a poster to advertise your book. Think about it’s unique selling points – e.g. what is good about it.
I have added a new assignment to Busy Things for you to complete.
For this Science task you have to research and write about the sun!
If you have any questions, please contact admin@sjtdprimary.org.uk with Mr Tish as the subject.
Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?
Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.
Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.
You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.
Have an awesome day!