Good morning Year Three,
I hope you have had a chance to reflect back over the year. I would love to hear about your favourite memories of year Three.
Here are your tasks for today.
Literacy Task
Today for our literacy lesson we will be doing some SPAG work on Punctuation..
Please make sure that you are completing all parts of the lesson and are answering questions in your home learning book.
Follow the link below to find your lesson.
Reading task
For your reading task today I would like you to make a poster on all the books you have enjoyed this year. In your poster I would also like you to include a description of each book.
Maths Task
This week I have set you a mathletics booklet to complete throughout the week. The booklet is on ‘Problem solving’.
Follow the link below to take you to the attachment.
Science Lesson
In Science today we will be learning about Amplitude and decibels .
Please make sure that you are completing all parts of the lesson and are answering questions in your home learning book.
Follow the link below to find your lesson.
Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?
Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.
Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.
You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.
Enjoy the rest of your day and stay safe – I will be setting you a fresh set of tasks tomorrow.