Good morning children,

I hope you are all well and are ready for another exciting day of learning.

Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity from the NRICH website.

We will be revising our knowledge of times tables. This activity includes a times tables grid.

In the times tables grid, can you work out the missing numbers?

Also, please remember you can logon to the Sumdog website and practise your maths skills there.



In Literacy this week, we are focusing on story writing.

Follow the link below to the BBC Bitesize website. You will need some paper and a pencil.

In today’s lesson, we will be thinking about what makes a good character in a story and creating our own amazing characters.

If you require a new book to write on we can provide one from school if parents call to make an appointment for when to collect.



We are continuing to listen to Audiobooks and talk about the stories with someone at home.

This week, we will be listening to a different short story every day. Today’s story is called The Chocolate Tree.

If you could plant a magic tree, what would it grow and why?



Today’s topic lesson is an RE activity.

We will be writing about what we have learnt about Judaism.

There is a quiz to see what you can remember from our earlier lessons on the Jewish faith.

Follow the link to the Oak Academy website and click Start to begin the lesson.


I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 2’ in the title.

Have a good day!