Good morning children,
I hope you have had a good start to your week and are ready for another day of learning.
Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.
Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.
Watch the video on today’s theme: Summer Week 12: Lesson 2 ‘Hours and Days’
Then click on BBC Bitesize next to the video and click on your year group tab to access your work for today.
Please remember you can rewatch the video as many times as you need to and you can go back to it when you are answering the questions.
In Literacy today, we will be learning about alphabetical order.
Words in dictionaries are arranged in alphabetical order so it is easier to find the word you want.
Can you think of any other places where alphabetical order is used?
Follow the link below to the BBC Bitesize website. You will need some paper and a pencil.
Here, you will find 3 activities to try at home.
If you require a new book to write on we can provide one from school if parents call to make an appointment for when to collect.
We are continuing to listen to Audiobooks and talk about the stories with someone at home.
This week, we are listening to a new book called The Blue Umbrella. Please listen to Chapter 2 today.
Were your predictions right for Chapter 2? Can you describe the character of Binya?
Today’s topic lesson is a Design and Technology activity.
We will be learning about different sources of energy.
There are 2 videos to watch and 2 activities to try.
Follow the link to the BBC Bitesize website to begin the lesson.
I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.
Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 2’ in the title.
Have a good day!