Good morning children,

I hope you have had a lovely week are ready for one more day of learning before the weekend.

Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.


It’s time for the Friday Maths Challenge. Click the link below to visit the White Rose website.

Try to complete as many of the questions as you can – good luck!

Remember to download your certificate once you have completed the challenge.




In Literacy today, we will be focusing on two things. We will be practising our handwriting and also learning about exclamation marks.

What is an exclamation mark? When should we use them in our writing?

Follow the link below to the BBC Bitesize website. You will need some paper and a pencil.

Here, you will find 3 activities to try at home.

If you require a new book to write on we can provide one from school if parents call to make an appointment for when to collect.



We are continuing to listen to Audiobooks and talk about the stories with someone at home.

This week, we are listening to a book called The Blue Umbrella. Please listen to Chapter 5 today.

Now you have listened to the whole story, can you summarise it for someone at home?

What was your favourite part of the story?



Today’s topic lesson is an Art activity.

We will be learning about an artist named Frank Bowling and a technique he uses called blending.

You will need some paper and some colouring pencils.

Follow the link to the Oak Academy website and click Start to begin the lesson.


I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 2’ in the title.

Have a good day and a wonderful weekend!