Hello Reception,

The end of the school year is nearly here and that means that today is the last of the daily blogs! I have had so much fun uploading and sharing some ideas with you and hopefully you have too!

Feel free to revisit the blogs at any point to revise work or use them as inspiration for some fun summer activities.

Phonics activity

Over the summer please continue to practise your phonics, revising your Phase 3 sounds and Phase 3 and 4 tricky words:

Here are the flashcards to practise your sounds:


Make sure you are reading daily with your children and encouraging them to write to allow them to apply this knowledge.

Literacy activity

Following on from yesterday, have another discussion about the superhero you designed, look at the picture they drew and discuss their various features. Once they can remember, label the superhero, writing their name, labelling any powers they have and elements of their costume. You could even write a short story that involves them or a sentence describing them. Allow your children to use their phonics and try not to correct every spelling, at this age, spelling words phonetically plausibly (when read aloud it sounds like the word) then that is fine. Encourage their efforts and take breaks if needed!

Please send me photos of your superheros to admin@sjtdprimary.org.uk

Maths activity

Please finish working throuhg the Recpeiton activities in the maths booket.


Reading and sharing books

Miss Roberts