School Council

The school council is about learning and working together to improve our school community through the voice of our children. It is also about democracy and children in our school demonstrating our values through participation and representation.

"You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

1 Corinthians 12: 27

The school council will comprise 10 children but will involve everyone in the school; it needs everyone to reflect on areas to improve, putting ideas into action and evaluating the success of the objectives.

School Council Elections:

  • School Council Members will be elected each year and serve a term of one academic year from October until July. Each class will elect two children representing each year from Year Two through to Year Six. Children will offer themselves for election but will need to consider their ‘manifesto’ and make a speech to persuade their class to vote for them.
  • The election and campaigns will be launched during Parliament Week in an assembly. This will be followed by secret ballots in each class through a ballot paper. Once counted, the winners will be announced in another assembly.
  • Where possible the elections will link to National and local events. In addition, they will link to the curriculum to enable children a ‘real’ reason to write and provide opportunities to discuss and consider elements of British values.