In gymnastics you can use static and dymnamic balances. For example: Static balance performing a back bend. Dymnamic balance performing a cartwheel. Have a go at the static balances in… Read more »
PE & Sports
Welcome to the Physical Education and Sports section of our website.
Here at St. John the Divine, Physical Education and School Sports are at the heart of our curriculum. Our children understand the importance of keeping fit and healthy and they greatly enjoy every opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge.
During their time with us, the children take part in a range of sporting and physical activities including: netball, basketball, gymnastics, football, dance, tag rugby, team building, orienteering, hockey and multi-skills. The children take part in a wide variety of competitions here in school and across the borough and we have strong links with Surrey Cricket; the children enjoy visiting the Oval to develop both their cricketing and literacy skills.
Children’s sporting achievements are celebrated in much the same way as children’s academic performance; we value the whole child.
This term we have launched our Sports Captain programme. The children have been selected for demonstrating an outstanding commitment in PE and for being an amazing role model to their peers:
Reception: Valentino and Haylee
Year One: Alex and Eldana
Year Two: Charlie and Blessing
Year Three: Chris and Anaya
Year Four: John Angel and Fostina
Year Five: Jamal and Ayo
Year Six: Rachel and Hosanna
Alongside PE and sports, we highlight the importance of physical activity in developing and enhancing children’s skills and abilities, in all subject areas across the curriculum. And, to this end we also offer a wide range of after-school activities to further develop children’s sporting passions.
Below there are links to a number of activities you can do at home to keep physical!
Fitness Component – Balance
Fitness Component- Balance. Balance is one of the main fitness components in sport, so it is important to develop your balancing skills to become a better sport person. There are… Read more »
Indoor Fitness Challenges
In 30 seconds! It is very important to develop our fitness over a period of time, this prevents injuries and develop our fitness levels. See how many of the different… Read more »
Superhero fitness challenges
When exercising it is very important to raise your heart rate, by doing this it keeps your cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) and respiratory system (breathing and lungs) functioning… Read more »
Warming up
Good Morning to you all. Before doing any exercise it is important to warm the body up. We have already learnt a warm up to prepare our body for the… Read more »