Parent View & Useful Links
Parent View
OfSTED have introduced an online survey, called Parent View, where parents are able to share their views and opinions about St John the Divine.
If you would like to share your views, please follow the link below.
Useful Links
Below you will find links to a number of websites that you may find useful.
Please Click on the link to access the websites.
Online Safety
Online Saftey is provioded by the NSPCC to provide helpful advice and tools that parents and carers can use to help keep children safe whenever and wherever they go online.
Action for Children
Action for Children work to make sure that every child and young person has the love, support and opportunity they need to reach their potential.
The Government’s Prevent Programme is aimed at stopping young people from being drawn towards violent extremism.
Lambeth Council
The link below will take you to our local authority website where you can find out all about the Council Services, the latest news and how to get involved in up-and-coming events.
Department for Education
Want to keep abreast of changes in the world of education? The link below will take you to the Department for Education website where you will find information on chidren’s services and educational policy as well as a section of publications and advice on educational matters in all key stages.
ParentLine is a messaging service for parents and carers of school aged children in Lambeth and Southwark. Parents and carers can message a school nurse to get confidential advice about their child’s health related issues. School nurses work during school holiday periods, so you can get in touch then too.
Find out more about the service and confidentiality on the Evelina London website.
The ParentLine number is 07520 631 130.
This is a text number only and cannot receive phone calls.