Ofsted Inspections

Our School was inspected on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th November 2023.  The report is available below and it will be posted on Ofsted’s website in the coming days.  Below, a letter from our Chair of Governors, sharing his thoughts on the the outcomes.

Thursday 12th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am pleased to be able to share the final report from our two-day, section 5, Ofsted inspection, a copy of which has been sent home today and can also be viewed on the link below. 

The inspection found the school to be ‘Good’ in all areas. The report, albeit brief, details the elements of effective provision here at St John’s as evidenced through meetings with staff, children and governors over the two days, as well as through rigorous observations of lessons and the scrutiny of paperwork.

I am particularly pleased that the report highlights the strength of the work undertaken by leaders in school to develop the curriculum and ensure that our children are provided with a wide range of activities and experiences during their time with us. The report also shines a light on the ethos and care given to our children by staff, and recognises the high standards that children achieve as a result of the hard work and commitment of our staff.

As always, there are areas for further development and the next steps, which were already areas identified by the school, have been incorporated into our development plan for the year ahead.

I know that you will join me in thanking all those involved in the inspection itself, especially our Head Teacher, the staff, governors and the children, and also the parents who took the time to share their views and to voice their love of the school with the lead inspector.

Kind regards,

Peter Truesdale

Chair of Governors

Overall effectiveness Good
The Quality of Education Good
Behaviour And Attitudes Good
Personal Development Good
Leadership and Management Good
Early Years Provision Good

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools

As a church school we are also inspected under the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) schedule.

On Friday 13th July 2018  we were inspected and I am pleased to report that we were judged as Outstanding in the inspection, in all four core areas, including the Distinct Christian Nature of the School, The provisions for Collective worship, the Teaching of RE and Leadership and management of the school.