Hello Everyone!

I don’t know about you but I am really sad we did not have an end of year celebration together where we could wear party hats or wear graduation hats. So I would like to share with you my favourite story about hats.

Bears hat has gone and he wants it back , Patiently and politely he asks the animals he comes across whether they have seen his hat.

Task One

Can you design a new hat for bear? I have given an example of the shape you need to make a party hat. You could role paper into a cone shape or draw one.

Task Two

Make a missing poster for Bear’s missing hat

Task 3

Discuss why the Rabbit gives so many answers to Bear’s questions about his missing hat.

Task 4 Maths

Can you make a hat that represents maths ?

Can you count how many hats you have in your home?
Can you write the numbers 1 to ten and draw the corresponing amount of hats?

Task 5

Can you research hats from around the world or from History?

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall