Hello Everyone!

I came across this book after a recommendation from my friend. It is called Kind.

It is great for children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Devlopment,

What can you do to be kind today?

The book suggests making a kindness jar. To make a jar you can add a pom pom or a note explaining how you have been kind, Fill the jar up everytime you do something kind. Once you filled your jar your child could recieve a reward or a cerificate,

For Maths why not make a Friendship Recipe

You will need

A bowl
A spoon
Some cereal
Some Glitter
Some porridge oats
Some Paper

To Set Up and Use

Decide what will make up your reciepe for example 6 spoonfuls of Kindness, 2 spoonfuls of smiles etc.

Write the recipe down

Your child will then add the ingredients to a bowl matching the numeral with quanity.

Mix the final creation together

Decide where you are going to spread your Friendship recipe. I would suggest putting some in a see through container by your door and then frienship will enter your house.

For Mark Making and our Creative Task I would like your child to make a handprint of kindness.
The example below shows the handprints made into a heart.

You will need to use paint and create a page full of handprints then cut into a heart shape.

Remember to wash your child’s hand between each colour of paint and wait for it to be fully dry before cutting into the heart shape.

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall