Dear Parents, Carers and Children
It has been such a privilege to work with you and teach your children. This time has been unprecedented and I really wish your children the best of luck as they start their next big adventure into their Reception classes.
In tribute to the children I have posted my favourite song that I would usually play at the Nursery Graduation. It reminds me of the friendships and laughter in Nursery,
I found this book as it explains exactly how I am feeling at this moment in time, It is called The Goodbye book by Todd Parr.
Talk to yor child about the next academic year for example the name of the school and the name of their new class teacher.
Ask them what they want to learn next year and skills they want to improve?
Ask them what they will miss most about Nusery?
Ask them what their favourite memory was?
Above are some top tips for children to ensure they are ready for school.
Please look at the past blogs for lots of activities you can try in the summer
I will really miss you
Miss Bagnall