Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have been thinking about the season of Autumn in our collective worship – the children have been reflecting on what the season means to them and how it makes them feel. The children in Year Five spent some additional time thinking about the season and they wrote their own Autumn Prayer which was shared with the children in Key Stage Two and has been reproduced, with their permission, for you to enjoy.

Dear Lord, Great Love,
Thank you for letting us see the beautiful changes of
Thank you for this new season, full of changes,
and allowing all the majestic creatures of the world to
come out again,
this Autumn.
Autumn is sweet.
Leaves fall and turn red like a blazing heart.
People stay warm and drink sweet hot chocolate.
The birds chirp and the sun goes down early.
The squirrels and foxes run.
God may this never stop.
We pray that this word continues to marvel so all children
Can experience your awe and wonder.

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