Dear Parents, Carers and Children,
This week we have welcomed back more children but we have also said goodbye to those, for whom this week will be their last visit to school until the new academic year. We have been celebrating all of the wonderful achievements and learning that has taken place, especially in these difficult times, and we have been thankful that we have been able to share time with the children over the summer term. We wish them all a relaxing summer break.
There has been a focus on celebrating sporting achievements this week as we held the first of two Sports Days. Events were adapted, and the children competed in the following events – well done to everyone who picked up a medal, there are too many to list here!
The Javelin throw.
An Obstacle Course
Throwing into a hoop
Standing Long Jump
Bean bag shuttle
Below is a summary of all other learning that has taken place here in school within the different groups:
The Mighty People |
Caped Crusaders |
This week we have enjoyed reading the stories ‘Boris and Sid are Bad’ and ‘Chicken’s Bad Dream’, these stories helped us to learn about right and wrong and how to manage our emotions when we are scared. We created our own family stories and wrote our own bad dream stories too! In maths we learnt about time to the hour and the half hour and completed counting activities based on the book ‘How Many legs’, combining animals to create the right amount of legs. We discussed transitioning to our new school year, reflecting on our achievements this year and setting personal goals for next year. At the end of the week we celebrated the end of the school year with a balloon party! | This week we have been looking at the art of persuasion. We have focused on the social distancing measures in place and the children have debated whether the measures are needed and they have written letters to our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, sharing their views. We will be posting these and hope to get a response! In other learning we have been getting to grips with addition in maths, using both the number line and the column method as tools to solve word problems. Finally we have continued to develop our understanding of the Black Lives Matter organisation, focusing on equality – we have considered what further actions we can all take to ensure we are being inclusive. | |
Dancing Dynamos |
This week we have practised our multiplication and division skills; we have used the column method and grouping to help us solve many difficult calculations. To test our skills we have taken part in many maths challenges where knowledge of our times tables was vital. As part of the challenge we had to try and reach a target number using the three numbers that were given to us. It proved to be more difficult than it looked! We continued reading our book ‘Molly and the Shutdown’. From this we have written diary entries and also created our own stories inspired by the text. Also this week, we have taken part in sports day! We have loved competing and cheering on our friends. We learnt that taking part and being a good sports person makes everything more enjoyable. | ||
Galaxy Gems |
It has been a delight to teach Galaxy Gems over their four weeks in school. Ponmile, Desilyn, Adelina, Bree, Lancine and Amen have shone in the classroom and outside when doing physical activity. For this last week, we concluded our work on ‘Wonder’ by working on a theme we called ‘Coming of Age’ – a term normally used to describe growing into adulthood. For the pupils, it symbolised the transition they are about to make as they move on to secondary school. Some of the children felt some nostalgia when they recalled their first memories at St John the Divine Primary School; others felt excitement as they looked forward to meeting their new teachers. Next week, we will gather to celebrate their achievements with the rest of Year Six in a special leavers’ service in church. | ||
Miss Durrant – PE |
We have had an amazing sporting week! On Thursday we held our School Sports Day (Part One) and everyone had lots of fun taking part. Remember, you can also take part in the sports day at home. For more information go to the school website in the PE section. Send in your photos on our school PE twitter page @SJTDPrimary_PE. We are also holding a second sports day next Thursday. I am delighted to share that the results for the BLC Virtual Sports Competition are in and, as a school we placed third, however, the children in group that represented Year Two through to Year Five, placed first in their group. Children who came first in individual events have been awarded this week’s Head Teacher Awards – see below to find out who are champions were!
As if this wasn’t enough, we have also received the Year Five Football League Certificates, we will be presenting these in September. A massive well done to everyone! |
This week Head Teacher Awards were presented to the following children:
The Mighty People |
Caiden for overcoming negative emotions during sports day and trying again until he managed to place on the winner’s podium
Kyra for being kind and always sharing and including her friends in her games. Cristian for participating in class word games and using his English to suggest the word ‘house’ . |
Caped Crusaders |
Karis for her hard work and determination when working on challenging addition sums. |
Dancing Dynamos |
Geneva has come into our class with a positive attitude. She has impressed us all with her outstanding knowledge of the times tables. |
Galaxy Gems |
Over the four weeks of school Lancine has re-established his working routines and good habits of learning behaviour in class. He has improved the presentation and handwriting in his book. Day after day, he has participated with more focus and realised that having healthy mind-habits is key to progress in learning. |
PE |
Our individual BLC Virtual Games Winners and the events:
On a final note, the term will officially be drawing to an end next Friday 24th July 2020, and we will be closed for the summer break. Teachers will continue to post learning on the blogs for the remainder of this term and this too, will cease on Friday. If you have any learning to share or memories to send in for next week’s newsletter, please do so at your earliest convenience and by Thursday 23rd July at the very latest.
Kind regards
Mrs Warland
Head Teacher