The School Day
The school gate on Warham Street, open at 8:45am ready for an 8:55am start to the day.
Children in EYFS are to be taken straight to class by their parents, who are invited to stay with their child to help settle them and join in their learning.
All other children are expected to line up smartly in their class lines, the teachers are there to greet them.
The gate closes at 9:00am.
Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children enjoy a morning break time – these are separate to ensure all children are able to enjoy safe play.
Lunch time for Early Years begins at 11:45 followed by Key Stage One at 12:00. Lunchtime begins at 12:30 for Key Stage Two.
The day ends at 3:15pm for all children.
It is essential that your child arrives on time to school and that they are collected promptly at the end of the school day. Thank you.