Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Funding
Meeting the educational needs of potentially disadvantaged children
The aim of the Government’s Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is to raise achievement among pupils in the following categories:
- who receive or are entitled to Free School Meals,
- children in care (Looked After Children) and post looked after care
- children with parents in the Armed Forces.
The funding is used to enable an education which will increase life choices for children who fall into one of the three categories above, enabling them to have more choices in further education and later careers. Children will be supported to attain and progress well, reducing any gap between high and low income families.
The spending plan for the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) has been developed to enable us to provide additional support and interventions for our disadvantaged pupils.
The opportunities that arise as a result of the plan may directly, or indirectly, benefit and raise the standards of all children, including those who are not eligible for the PPG. We are an inclusive school and, as such, we are committed to providing our pupils with equal opportunities for success regardless of their socio-economic background.
We deploy a range of strategies, these include, but are not limited to:
- Small group teaching – delivered by a member of teaching staff
- Intervention sessions – run by both Teachers and Teaching Assistants
- One-to-one support for individuals
- Enrichment activities – including trips and visits
- Providing breakfast club and after school clubs
- Well-being support – including drama therapy, one-to-one counselling sessions
- Training in specific areas for Teachers and Teaching Assistants
- Family Workshops and events
Our spending plan can be downloaded by clicking on the link below – if you require a paper copy please contact Linda in the school office.