Curriculum Overviews

Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Here at St. John the Divine we have mapped out the knowledge and skills in each subject area that we cover as part of our curriculum offer. The progression documents are based on the National Curriculum, but they also cover additional aspects of learning, within each curriculum area, that we feel are relevant to our school and context.

Themed Weeks and Special Days

Whole-school themed weeks are held in the first week of each full term. Themes are chosen to promote the learning behaviours we know children need to be successful, such as, collaboration, effective communication and resilience as well as some areas of the curriculum that would benefit from further exploration. Themed weeks are launched with a visitor, workshops or whole-school assembly to generate enthusiasm and inspire learners. Learning from the week is shared and celebrated through exhibition with the rest of the school and families at the end of the themed week, uniting the whole-school community for the term ahead.

As well as the Themed Weeks at the beginning of each term, there are other occasions across the year where we focus our learning on a particular area – Christian celebrations and Healthy Living Week. We also enjoy taking part in national and international days of recognition such as World Book Day, Parliament Week and Safe -internet day to name just a few!

The links below show the objectives covered in each year group during our themed weeks.