Category: Year 1

Friday 24th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One and happy Friday.

Today is the last day of Term. It is also the last official day in year 1 and when you return in September you will all be in Year 2.

It has been a different year than usual. But we all made it till the end so well done for your good efforts and good work.

Here are your home learning activities for this final day.

Have a good Summer break.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

For this last activity of the term we’ll put numbers and languages together and learn about numbers in French!

In this lesson learn basic greetings and some French numbers.

This lesson includes:

one supermovers active learning video

one video

two activities



For writing this week I am suggesting a topic for you to write about each day.

Today your topic is: THE DAYS OF THE WEEK.

Think about things you normally do on different days of the week. Then write a sentence for each day, for example:

Every Monday I go shopping with my parents.

Maybe you would like to draw a picture of what you do each day.



This week we are continuing to listen to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to continue listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.


PE activity

Today’s session is about keeping fit.

Follow the link and join in with this activity.

Try to remember the different activities and you can carry on with them throughout the summer holidays.


I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today and since we started these blogs at the beginning of Lockdown.

Have a good day and enjoy your Summer Holidays!

Thursday 23rd July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope you are enjoying the home learning activities for this last week of term.

Here are your home learning activities for today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Today’s activity is on FRACTIONS



For writing this week I am suggesting a topic for you to write about each day.

Today your topic is: My friends in Year 1.

Think about your friends in Year 1. Who do you like working with and playing with most? What do you like about them.

Then write three sentences about each of your friends.

Maybe you would like to draw a picture of them too!

I will suggest another theme for tomorrow.



This week we are continuing to listen to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to continue listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.


PE activity

Today’s session is about keeping fit.

Follow the link and join in with this activity.

Try to remember the different activities and you can carry on with them throughout the summer holidays.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!



Wednesday 22nd July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope your week is going well and you are enjoying the home learning activities for this last week of term.

Here are your home learning activities for today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Today’s activity is on HOW TO COUNT WITH TENS AND ONES.



For writing this week I am suggesting a topic for you to write about each day.

Today your topic is: THE FOUR SEASONS

This was one of your main topics in Year 1. Draw lines on the page to split it in four sections.

In each section draw a picture of each of the seasons: SPRING – SUMMER – AUTUMN – WINTER

Then write a few sentences to describe each season.

I will suggest another theme for tomorrow.



This week we are continuing to listen to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to continue listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Today’s session is a SCIENCE lesson.

Look back on what you have learnt throughout the BBC Bitesize Science lessons.

This lesson includes a quiz testing your science knowledge

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!



Tuesday 21st July – year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope your week has started well and you had a good Monday.

The following are your home learning activities for today.


For this final week instead of using the Whiterose maths resources are going straight to the BBC website.

You will find a link to an activity on one of the areas of Maths. Today’s one is about CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.

Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

There are some videos to watch and then a Maths Quiz.



For writing this week I am suggesting a topic for you to write about each day.

Today your topic is: MY PLANS FOR THE SUMMER

Think about what you would like to do during the Summer holidays. Talk to your parents about them so they can give you some ideas too.

Then write a few sentences and share them with an adult at home.

I will suggest another theme for tomorrow.



This week we are continuing to listen to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to continue listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Today’s session is a GEOGRAPHY lesson.

Look back on what you have learnt throughout the BBC Bitesize geography lessons.

This lesson includes a quiz testing your geography knowledge

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!



Monday 20th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

Today we start our final week of Year 1. So we have our final set of activities for this term and this year.

The following are your home learning activities for today.


For this final week instead of using the Whiterose maths resources we’ll be going straight to the BBC website.

You will find a link to an activity on one of the areas of Maths. Today’s one is about MONEY.

Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

There are some videos to watch and then a Maths Quiz.



For writing this week I am going to suggest a topic for you to write about each day.

Today your topic is: MY TIME IN YEAR 1

Think about all the things you have done since September. Write about your teachers, your friends, the topics you liked best and trips with your class.

When you finish, read it to members of your family.

I will suggest another theme for tomorrow.



This week we will continue listening to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to continue listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Today’s session is a HISTORY related lesson.

Test your knowledge of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!



Friday 17th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

It’s Friday and we have the last batch of activities for this week’s home learning.

Below you will find the activities for today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Watch the video on today’s theme: Summer Week 12: Friday Maths Challenge’

Click on the Maths link below to go to the Whiterose website. Then scroll down to Friday.

Then click on Get the Activity for today’s challenges.



Today we will finish off our writing and then edit our work, making sure that we have punctuated our instructions accurately.

Click on the link below to go straight to the Oak Academy website for today’s lesson.




This week we started listening to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to continue listening to about 20 to 30 minutes each day so we can finish this book over two weeks.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Learn how to make frozen yoghurt flavoured with different fruits.

This lesson includes:

one video on making the recipe

three activities to try at home

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!


Thursday 16th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope you’re all enjoying this week’s activities and are ready for today’s work.

Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Watch the video on today’s theme: Summer Week 12: Lesson 4 on ‘Comparing Time’

Then click on BBC Bitesize next to the video and click on your year group tab to access your work for today.

Please remember you can rewatch the video as many times as you need to and you can go back to it when you are answering the questions.



It is writing day.

We will start to write our instructions today, using our instruction map to help us.

You will need a piece of paper, lined if possible, and a pencil.

Click on the link below to go straight to the Oak Academy website for today’s lesson.



This week we are listening to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to start listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day so we can finish this book over two weeks.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



In this lesson, you’re going to create a dance inspired by the symmetry of the dancing snowflakes in The Nutcracker.

A symmetrical shape is one which is the same on both sides.

This lesson includes:

An introduction to symmetry and asymmetry

Two introductory films that explore The Nutcracker

Three activities to do at home – all you need is a clear empty space and you can adapt the task to how big or small your space is.

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!


Wednesday 15th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope your week is going well and are ready for another day of learning.

Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Watch the video on today’s theme: Summer Week 12: Lesson 3 on ‘Writing Time’

Then click on BBC Bitesize next to the video and click on your year group tab to access your work for today.

Please remember you can rewatch the video as many times as you need to and you can go back to it when you are answering the questions.



This lesson is all about plural nouns.

We will be learning about adding the suffix -s to a noun to make it plural.

Click on the link below to go straight to the Oak Academy website for today’s lesson.



This week we will start listening to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to start listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day so we can finish this book over two weeks.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Today’s session is a science lesson.

Investigate how to make a fair test using observation and enquiry skills.

This lesson includes:

one video to watch

two practise activities to try at home

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!

Tuesday 14th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope this new week started well for you and are ready for another day of learning.

Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Watch the video on today’s theme: Summer Week 12: Lesson 2 on ‘Time to the Half Hour’

Then click on BBC Bitesize next to the video and click on your year group tab to access your work for today.

Please remember you can rewatch the video as many times as you need to and you can go back to it when you are answering the questions.



In this lesson, we will be doing an instruction map so that we can remember the key parts of planting a seed.

You will need a piece of paper, plain if you have it, and a pencil

Click on the link below to go straight to the Oak Academy website for today’s lesson.




This week we will start listening to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to start listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day so we can finish this book over two weeks.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Today’s session is a science lesson.

Investigate how to make a fair test using observation and enquiry skills.

This lesson includes:

one video to watch

two practise activities to try at home

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!


Monday 13th July – Year 1 Home Learning

Good morning Year One,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of learning.

Below you will find the activities for your home learning today.


Click on the link below to access today’s maths activity.

Watch the video on today’s theme: Summer Week 12: Lesson 1 on ‘Time to the Hour’

Then click on BBC Bitesize next to the video and click on your year group tab to access your work for today.

Please remember you can rewatch the video as many times as you need to and you can go back to it when you are answering the questions.



In this lesson, we will listen to the story of Eddie’s garden and then answer some questions about it.

You will need a piece of paper and a pencil

Click on the link below to go straight to the Oak Academy website for today’s lesson.




This week we will start listening to the audio story – Dragon Planet by Dan Wells

Click on the link below to start listening. Try to listen to about 20 to 30 minutes each day so we can finish this book over two weeks.

While listening keep a pencil and paper and write down any big words that you don’t know.

Then ask an adult in your family about what they mean or look them up in a dictionary.



Today’s session is a science lesson.

Investigate how to make a fair test using observation and enquiry skills.

This lesson includes:

one video to watch

two practise activities to try at home

Follow the link to the BBC website to start this lesson.



Have you looked at our PE and Music Blogs recently?

Every week Miss Durrant sets PE and sports activities for everyone to try at home.

Mr Postles posts videos in which he talks about learning how to sing and play music, famous composers etc.

You can access these two blogs by clicking on PUPILS section and then on PE or MUSIC.

Have a look today!

I hope you all enjoy the work that has been set for you today.

Remember that you can always email me any questions at showing ‘Year 1’ in the title.

Have a good day!