Have a go at the Fitness Challenge Workout 7. Remember to rest in between activities, as it is very important to allow your body time to recover and also do a warm up and cool down.
We are now offering Free School Meals for all children from Nursery through to Year Six. In addition, places are available in selected year groups.
Have a go at the Fitness Challenge Workout 7. Remember to rest in between activities, as it is very important to allow your body time to recover and also do a warm up and cool down.
Well done keep going, you are doing really well. Complete each activity for 35 seconds and then rest for 25 seconds.
Well done everyone you are working really hard.
Have a go at this weeks fitness challenges.
Remember to do the activities for 35 seconds and then rest for 25 seconds.
Well done with completing all the activities so far. Now have a go at this weeks fitness challenge workout. Make sure you rest between activites.
Try doing the activities in the morning and then in the afternoon. Remember to warm up before and cool down afterwards.
I hope you enjoy this workout as much as the other two fitness workouts. Remember to do a good warm up before you start the activities and a cool down at the end. This could include jogging on the spots, high knees, heel flicks and then followed by some stretching, like what we do in our PE lessons.
Well done, to everyone that completed the Fitness challenge workout 1. Now, have ago at this weeks Fitness Challenge Workout 2. Remember to do the activity for 35 seconds and rest for 25 seconds. Good luck!
5 minutes fitness workout:
Complete each fitness activitiy for 35 seconds and then rest for 25 seconds before moving onto the next activity.
It is very important we keep ourself active at home, not just for our physical health but also for our mental well-being. Have a go at the `Flip a Coin` Circuit Training workout. Remember to give yourself 30 seconds rest after every exercise.
Have ago at this week`s training workout. Use a dice or a vitural dice to determine which three exercises you do. Interval training is a type of training that involves periods of high intensity work, followed by short periods of rest. You are going to do three short interval training sessions. Each session will consist of doing the same exercise three times.
Have a go at the date of birth circuit training workout to improve your fitness. Try and get your heart rate to increase at every station.
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