Category: Nursery

Friday 10th July 2020

Hello Everyone!

Wow! We are at the end of another week and I have been reminded of how much fun we had in our water tray by this story called Billy’s Bucket by Kes Gray,

For our Mark Making task I would like you to draw some of the sea creatures in Billy’s bucket and could you label them with initial sounds.

Alternatively imagine the items you might have in your bucket and support your child writing a list.

For our Speaking and Listening and Communication and Language task get your child to answer to answer these questions about rhyme:

What lives in the sea and rhymes with dish? Fish

What do you fimd on the beach that rhymes with Bell? Shell

What lives in the sea and rhymes with park? Shark

What is very big and rhymes with nail? Whale

What do toy find at the bottom of the sea and rhymes with Clock? Rock

For Maths I would like us to fill differemt containers and compare the amounts in each container.

You could also use capacity lanuague such as full, half full and empty.

Add some blue food colouring to make the water blue,

For understanding of the world I would like you to find objects that float or sink like the example below:

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall

Thursday 9th July 2020

Hello Everybody!

This story always make me smile. It is about a very who grows super strong after its Mother begins feeding him mashed Avocado.

Below is a picture of Miss Bagnall as a baby for our Speaking and Listening Task why not look at some old photos of your child as a baby and ask your child what they know about babies?

This can be extended into a Understanding the World Task by getting your child to talk about themselves as babies and what they could and couldn’t do.

For Mark Making I would like the children to draw their favourite food and write a caption or label for their drawing.

For Maths I would like you to attempt completing a tally chart with your child and find out about favourite foods.

To make a tally chart you record four horizonal lines and one diagonal. Explain to your child that every thime we get five votes this will happen.

Make a fictional tally chart and get your child to count the amount,

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall


Wednesday 8th July 2020

Hello Everyone!

Today my daugther found a box of crayons and it reminded me of a book I love tp read called The Day the Crayons Quit

Here is a picture of Mia and Jacob mark making on a giant piece of flip chart paper with the crayons we found but you could use an old roll of wallpaper.

Could you create a picture using crayons ?

Could you write a letter to the crayons. How could we get the crayons to stay? Alternatively could you write a letter to your favourite colour.

For today’s Maths activity

Why not select an amount of crayons and pencils and ask how many?
Alternatively use the picture below

Why not make some shapes with the crayons?

Alternatively can you name the shapes in the picture below?

For today’s Expressive Arts and Design

Explore colour mixing to create different colours and shades.

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall

Tuesday 7th July 2020

Hello Everyone!

For today’s lesson I would like to base our activities on the book The Smartest Giant in Town by Julian Donaldson.

For today’s mark making activity

I would like you to draw a poster for a shop selling giant clothes.

Can you design a new set of clothes for the giant to wear on different occasions for example a party and a running race?

For today’s maths activity

Can you find various item of clothing that belongs to members of your household like the picture above? For example in my house we found the baby’s tshirt, my daughter’s tshirt and my tshirt

Can you make a price list for the giants clothes?

For today’s Expressive Arts and Design

Can you design a new tie for the Giant?

For today’s Understanding the World

The giant helps lots of different people can you think of people who help us?

The giant helps lots of different animals throughout the story could you think of a way you could help some today?

Think of someone who has helped you in your life. How could you show them appreciation?

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall

Monday 6th July 2020

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are well.

Today I have been thinking about one of my favourite stories that reminds me of the lure of free gifts you sometimes get if you send off tokens.

There’s a Lion in My Cornflakes serves up the benifits of individuality and the drawbacks of consumerism.

If you had to collect tokens what animal would you like to recieve in your cornflakes?
If you had a lion what would you do with it?
What would your mum do if you bought so many cornflakes?
What animal would you prefer a grizzly bear or a crocodile? Can you give your adult the reasons why?
What would you do with a lifetime supply with cornflakes?
What room in your home would you keep a pet lion?

For Maths I would like you to have a go at ordering using the language of size.
Look at the image of spoons.

which spoon is the smallest?
Which spoon is the largest?
What spoon would you eat your cornflakes with?
How many spoons do you have in your home?
Can you order the spoons from tallest to shortest?

For our Expressive Arts and Design activity why not make a lion from a wooden spoon.
You will need:

A wooden spoon
A black felt tip
If you do not have yellow string you can make the mane with strips of paper.
Some additional paper
Some pens

To create:

Draw eyes onto the spoon
Draw the face
Create a mane by attaching strips of wool or paper
Add ears to your lion. This can be made with the additional paper
Add additional embellishments like a tail or a bow tie like the image above.

Have a roar-some time

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall

Friday 3rd July 2020

Hello Everybody!

As it is Friday I thought I would promote Fine Motor Skills essential for writing by suggesting a weaving activity.
Weaving can help children learn to create patterns and work through problems that they may encounter whilst weaving.
It can also be an artistic expression.
I will show you Paper weaving and this is great for Maths, Speaking and Listening and Expressive arts and Design.

You will need:

  • Paper in various colours
  • Glue
  • scissors
  • A ruler (can be done by eye)

To set up and complete:

          • Cut the paper into a square shape

            Fold  the piece of paper in half

            Srart from the folded edge
            Cut evenly spaced slits (mine were about 2 1/2 cm) ​About 2 fingers in width
            Stop 2 cms from the opposite edge

            Unfold the paper

            Cut coloured strips of paper
            Mine are longer than the frame and about 2cm wide (Two fingers in width)

            Weave your first strip
            Go over and under the frame slits

            Move the woven strip to the top and begin the next one .
            Weave the second strip in an opposite pattern to the first,
            If your first slit went over and under then your second slit should go under and over.

            Weave the rest of the strips

            Apply glue to excess pieces on the strips

            Fold the excess pieces over the edges of the paper frame
            Press the glue in place.

            Flip the paper over
            Congratulations you have completed your paper weave.

            For Maths Why not try weaving Outside with a fence and fabric. (cut up some oid material in school I have used an old duvet cover / sheet / wool

            Ask your child to count how many times they have gone in and out?
            Ask how many pieces of fabric have you used?

            Best Wishes

            Miss Bagnall

Thursday 2nd July

Hello Everyone!

Continuing with the theme of Reading why not play some reading games with your child.

Odd one out is a great game to promote reasoning skills.

I have provided some examples that can be used in Reading, Maths and Understanding the World.

You need to ask your child to find the odd one out in a group. This can be done with with physical items as well as pictorial.

Show your child the things you want to identify the odd one from and ask them to discuss their reasons.

This is great for reading as your child will need to label the objects.

For Maths why not introduce yor child to odd and even numbers?

The example above uses Numicon but you could use counters in groups. (I like to use sweets or biscuits especially at home. At school I would use counters)

You will need two bowls or you could draw two people and name them Odd Todd and Even Steven.

For example you could have three counters one for me one for you and one for me. Oh no there is none for you. That’s odd those sweets must belong to Todd.

Repeat for an even number. I have two and you have two thats the same lets give them to Even Steven to look after.

Continue this for numbers up to 10.

Best Wishes

Miss Bagnall

Wednesday 1st July

Hello Everyone!

We are in the month of July Hooray!

I have been thinking about the story map from yesterday and I would like to demonstrate how to do this in more detail,

A story map will help yor child learn the elements of a story such as characters, plot, setting, problem and solution.

First watch this video on the Magic Porridge Pot.

Then recall the main events by drawing a simple picture to represent each part of the story like the picture below with your child.

Next get child to dicuss the main components of the story such as the characters, setting, and beginning, middle and end.

Get your child to use the story map to retell the story and fill in missing parts.

For Maths today i would like your child to have a go at completing a missing number game.

This can be played by you calling a sequence of numbers and your child trying to work out what number you have missed out or you can play by writing a sequence and your child fills in the blank.

This can be done by magnetic numbers / number cards or by them attempting to write the numbers.

Why not have a go at some den building and create a fun place to read at home?

Best wishes

Miss Bagnall