Category: Music


Music Technology – Lesson 2!

Today you are going to use the website to build your own beatbox song! Before you get started, watch the video I made today to see how to use the website. After you have watched the video, you will need to go to this website to complete the activity.

Once you have recorded your song, you can send it to me:

Have a great time!

Mr Postles 🙂


Song Without Words – Mendelssohn

Hello St. John the Divine!


I hope you all happy and well!


This week, I thought we’d do something a little different. Throughout the lockdown, I’ve been playing the piano every day. This instrument has always been important to me, providing a place to rest my brain after a long day!

During the video below, I talk about a piece of music I learnt a couple of days ago. It is a piece by Mendelssohn, a German composer who worked in the first part of the 1800s. The piece is a ‘Song Without Words’. How can a song not have any words? Well, Mendelssohn only wrote the piano part. This means that the melody of the song is actually written into the piano part.

Mendelssohn’s Songs Without Words were written over a large chunk of his short life. He wrote them as people really enjoyed playing them at home, people like you and me!

Click on the link below the image to go straight to my video.

When you listen:

How does the music make you feel? Can you describe how the music makes you feel in three words?
Can you hear the melody of the ‘song’ played on the piano?

Things to look up:

How many white keys are there on a piano?
How many black keys are there on the piano?
What category of instrument is a piano: string, woodwind, or percussion?

Music Technology! – 1

Music Technology – Lesson 1!

Today you are going to use a website to build your very own musical beat! You can make your own pattern of beats to make something which sounds very engaging and creative. First things first, watch the video I made today and join in with me.

Then, you will need to go to this website to complete the activity:


Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2: have a go at creating your own beat!

Key Stage 2 – Years 3 to 6: have a go at creating two or three contrasting beats. You can make them different by changing your choice of instrument and by changing the tempo (speed) of the music.

Have a great time!

Learning a Song! – 1

Song – Great Day


This week we are going to learn a new song – Great Day! This song is all about having a great day and the sun shining!

The song has three parts to it – a bass line, a melody and a harmony part. Those three parts can be sung at the same time, and they fit together!


St John the Divine Virtual Choir Performance!

St John the Divine Virtual Choir Performance!

St. John the Divine Primary – Virtual Choir Performance!


We are going to put together an online choir performance of the children of St. John the Divine. We have chosen three songs which we often use as a warm up in our music lessons, so they should be well known to the children. In order to make this happen, all you need to record your child singing along to one (or all three!) of the songs. There are a few things we need to get right, so please keep reading! If you would like to see me explain the information in a video, please follow this link:


Oh when the Saints go Marching in
I want to Sing Sing Sing
Swing Low Sweet Chariot

What I need you to do:

1. Click on the pictures below to access the backing tracks. This should work on a phone, computer or tablet. The backing track is me at home, so apologies if the quality is poor!

2. Encourage your child to sing along by using the backing track with headphones in. Be careful to stay in time with the music, do not rush or slow down. Keep the speed nice and steady with the piano and my voice.

3. Important: it is not possible to listen to the backing track whilst videoing your child on the same phone. You will therefore need two phones / devices, as shown in the diagram below.

– In the photo above: on the left is your child singing! They will be listening to the backing track through headphones. On the right is the second phone. It could be on table, or it could be held by you! This phone on the right is recording your child sing along to the song.

– You can record using a tablet, or a laptop if you would prefer to. I have used the example of two phones, as I hope this will be available to everyone.

When you’re finished recording:

– Email your video(s) to The video should be about 1 minute long, so can fit into an email easily.

I’ll take care of the rest and I will share the result with you when it’s all done! The video will be a positive take away from this very troubling time in all of our lives. If you have any problems, please get in touch. No question is a silly one!

Top tips for a good recording:

1. Make sure you are in a well lit area so we can see your child on the video.

2. Make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing.

3. Make sure the recording phone is positioned so you get the best possible sound.

4. Make sure that the camera is nice and still!

5. Try and record it in a quiet place, if you are able to, so we can cut down on background noise.

I’m looking forward to seeing some of the submissions!


Click on the pictures for the backing tracks!

Swing Low Sweet Chariot:

Oh When the Saints go Marching in:

I want to Sing, Sing, Sing!

Mr Postles.

Vocal Percussion – 2

Vocal Percussion – 2

Let’s get our musical brains warmed up by watching this video that I made today. In this video, I use sounds which we can all make with our voices. I then make those sounds into simple rhythms. There are 4 different rhythms and sounds in this video. Try and see if you can make all of the sounds too, and join in with the performance at the end! The rhythms in this video are slightly harder than in the previous one, but I know you’ll be able to do it!

Click on the YouTube image below to go straight to the video.


Remember that music is a communal activity. Watching this video with a parent, guardian, brother or sister and joining in together is a fantastic way to enjoy music together!

Vocal Percussion – 1

Vocal Percussion!

Let’s get our musical brains warmed up by watching this video that I made this morning! In this video, I use sounds which we can all make with our voices. I then make those sounds into simple rhythms. There are 5 different rhythms and sounds in this video. Try and see if you can make all of the sounds too, and join in with the performance at the end!

Click on the YouTube image below to go straight to the video.

Remember that music is a communal activity. Watching this video with a parent, guardian, brother or sister and joining in together is a fantastic way to enjoy music together.

Rhythm: the pattern of musical notes